Youth Yallacrack
"'Youth': the hallmark of a democracy,
One which is nation's praise-worthy.
It's yallacrack will yield a folk,
Yet arousing sun is still in a hulk."
"As brick is to building; youth is to Yorkshire."
'NEVER' (or ever as folks sattire); smoke. A cigar or a cigarette is not mere a small roll of paper that is filled with cut tobacco and smoked. It is an evil in disguise. An omen, if prevailed can kill a person from within. 'Lungs' or purifiers, after its inhalation become gunnies of jute! Yeah! Don't believe me? Haunt up your search engines. The pictures in collective scrutiny depicts, the collapsing and weakening youth power of the country. Despite, availing those countless of opportunities at the golden door, youth; these days have merely become a lingersome and hunks of a fugitive personality. A deep dive in their grey grids may reveal the bona fide essence of it.
'ERASE'. "Start with your flaws, cease at your aww's!" Don't become a 'talk of the town' by showcasing reel entity of your's, instead forecast a 'real' one and set the entire yallacrack of yours on fire! Don't erase the youth of our nation. Just alike we preserve our valuables as our souvenir, preserve youth as one; because today's youth is tomorrow's futurity.
'YOUTH'. The tenure or a facete in one's life when one leaves the placenta and strides towards his own agenda! If termed 'the voice of the nation' there's no harm in it.
At last, I would pen down by adding; "Let's raise our voice, and set ourselves in motion; with feeling spirit, let's splash through every ocean!"
One which is nation's praise-worthy.
It's yallacrack will yield a folk,
Yet arousing sun is still in a hulk."
"As brick is to building; youth is to Yorkshire."
'NEVER' (or ever as folks sattire); smoke. A cigar or a cigarette is not mere a small roll of paper that is filled with cut tobacco and smoked. It is an evil in disguise. An omen, if prevailed can kill a person from within. 'Lungs' or purifiers, after its inhalation become gunnies of jute! Yeah! Don't believe me? Haunt up your search engines. The pictures in collective scrutiny depicts, the collapsing and weakening youth power of the country. Despite, availing those countless of opportunities at the golden door, youth; these days have merely become a lingersome and hunks of a fugitive personality. A deep dive in their grey grids may reveal the bona fide essence of it.
'ERASE'. "Start with your flaws, cease at your aww's!" Don't become a 'talk of the town' by showcasing reel entity of your's, instead forecast a 'real' one and set the entire yallacrack of yours on fire! Don't erase the youth of our nation. Just alike we preserve our valuables as our souvenir, preserve youth as one; because today's youth is tomorrow's futurity.
'YOUTH'. The tenure or a facete in one's life when one leaves the placenta and strides towards his own agenda! If termed 'the voice of the nation' there's no harm in it.
At last, I would pen down by adding; "Let's raise our voice, and set ourselves in motion; with feeling spirit, let's splash through every ocean!"
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