NATIONAL PRIORITY- Nuclear weapons Or Health Care

"Oh! The nation is at stake,
New priorities will overtake.
Otherwise another World War,
This world will rake!"

Yes, it is at stake, and until you realize and wake up from your nightmares; this nation will collapse and then with teeming population and rising pollution, you will have to collaborate.

It is well said- 'Not all the five fingers are same.' That's the instance with the nation too, then. All its aspects and fundamentals can't be squared and weighed on the same scale.

So, if given a choice between nuclear weapons and healthcare facilities as national priority; which would you choose and why? A dilemma, is it? Why, what's the big issue in this?

Let's face up this bug. Obviously, the foremost stress which a nation, as an authority should emphasis on is- _Healthcare facilities_ . The health of a person is the gold he/she treasures for centuries. And, wealth follows health. So, if a person is healthy, he or she will contribute to the fullest in the GDP of the nation and boost the economy.

On the other side of the coin, let us consider if a nation exaggerates the promotion of Nuclear Facilities like weapons, arms and defensive shields, them it only waters the materialistic end of the society and the raw, human talent lies un-discovered and latent. 'Machine hands were invented by humans, robots interaction to this world was taught by humans.' So, if a human is a living pack of so much zeal and mind then why can't he find an alternative to curb Nuclear Wars and eradicate the nuclear weapons?

My vote is not unipolar, instead a bipolar one. And, no doubt both the sides lie strong. But, still, the truth always shimmers.

I would like extend an end to my speech, by drawing a pun at last;
Ponder over it while having your tomorrow's breakfast.

Don't provide nuclear weapons, you'll live?
Yes, absolutely, no doubt.
In case, provision of Health Care Facilities is ceased......
You all know what I mean right?

That's all I wanted to illuminate.
It's the need of the hour,
Say no to war!
