Beauty Creators!

Writers and Poets are sensitive beings and our society is the fodder to their creativity. Through their work they reflect our intrinsic fears, insecuritues, flaws, and on good days, our smiles. They are the ones who are remittently engrossed in, "Afflicting the comfortable, and Comforting the afflicted." While we are busy pacing with the crowd, it is these artists, these writers who stand up about issues we may be too numb to talk about. Society as a whole is their muse.

Today art is no longer perceived as paintings hung on the wall of a well-lit gallery, like us, it evolved, in various dimensions. Story-telling too got segmented into associated nerves of poetry, painting, musical shows and theatre acts- with both, writers and poets; it's drivers. 'Beauty prevails in the environment, curators just outcast it.'

Accompanies this art, is hues! Hues of love, charisma and power- sunny gold, paddy green, royal blue, pink, purple, every colour born out of the seven colours of the rainbow- lie in mounts in unkempt yards, are piled on, scribed on, scribbled, or just enscribed on a parchment, a vellum- oh, ultimate solace!

Imagine a day so cliché, with no newspaper or no peppy article- that triggers down your rush. Un-imaginable!
Well, than all thanks to the 'Beauty Creators', then.
