Building A Lilliputian Universe

"The universe is made up of stories, not atoms."

In the periphery of universe there subsidies a gazillion stories- some heard, while many unheard. "People are walking houses to stories", all you need is to discover it within them. Everyone in this cosmo possess a hybrid story to tell, variegated with flavours of life, essence of personality and dressing of a smile.

And, that's the foundation to building our own Lilliputian Universe. Intriguing, isn't it? Well, how do we discover the magic of stories people from various walks of life behold, then? Um, addling? Not any more, well the key to it is "Bridge"! Hold on, not the bridges that smirk the characteristic of roads, instead; those plastered with love and affection; lets bridge thy hearts.

When we interact with people, we come to know some intruging facts about them or maybe unleash the dormant potential we possess! But, that's not only possible by Physically Socializing; instead in the #CovidEra try building your own mini "wireless bandwidth"- wifi signals are stronger now in every household, I guess. Right? So, what are you still scraping in your head?

Oh, masks I see! Haha, happy

To more and more of Zoom Calls until that long awaited #HugDay ...

Power and Immunity To You All
