Splashes Within Us

(*Lemme set up the setting first*

Breezy Music

Setting: Any place that you find inviting, that gives you 'vibes'

Lush green greenery

Your tribe, omnipotently)

And I'd like to think that one day someone would verse out about how magical these people dwelling in this world are,
Kinda magical, kinda spiritual, some peppy, while others on the contrary quite rude and rowdy.
But, imagine a world without such people...
Ah! Such a void it would be.

As flowers are to fragrance,
Attracting butterflies and flies;
An Escapism from the pesticide.

People are to Vibes-
Like a magnet, pulling towards themselves; people bartering common choice,
Eliminating the need of weedicides.

That's a mysterious relation you see,
A pleasant environment that is absolutely free.
A vent to brewing of fresh ideas, roasting of crisp prompts, and cleansing the dirt proliferating within thee.
All you need to eliminate is the destruction you sow-
That's what you reap!


Waves of vibes or waves of tribe?
What's amusing, you see..
The clandestine to the recipe of a perfect life:

"Let's brew vibes and people together;
You being a juggler,
Juggle up the life you wanna heed."
