To the ones feeling quite lost and listless,

Here's a letter to you all out there, who've been moody lately. But, before you glance any further; follow these rules-
1. Get yourself a comfortable seating.
2. Grab something warm and snuggy.
3. Hot Chocolate or Coffee, would add onto the excitement.
4. Some Lightning- I'd prefer Fairy Lights, to bring in the realm.

Well, let's drive the moody blues away...

Dear And Dearie,
And one day, which is not far away, when all if this will be over, all of us will together witness the brightest sunrise ever! We will hold each other tight with love and pride to walk through the sunrise of our dreams, like never before.

And this time, we will be kinder to the our environment, kinder to our animals, kinder to the fellow beings and kinder to ourselves! We will not let any day linger without the warmth of thankfulness and gratefulness, without the breeze of gratitude, because with each day passing like a shooting star we all are realizing the joy of little things in life. And until that mesmerising sunrise arrives we will look after ourselves and each other with all the beauty we behold within oursleves. 🌠

And, vitally- we will breathe in and breathe out. Just a small, uninterrupted pause in between; "hold", assume that you've beheld all the magic, joy, charisma, and beauty life has to offer. ✨
It's just these little things in life, we often tend to ignore; and, only when we realize their importance, sometimes, it's too late. Don't get late, grab everything which is in your fate!

On this note, sending you all power boosters- energy, a mood changer sunset, warmth and smiles.

