
"That's the stigma, because, unfortunately, we live in a world, where if you break your arm, everyone runs over to sign your cast, but if you tell people you're depressed, everyone scatters the other way. That's the dogmatic notion of Depression they all have casted within their minds, etched and engraved in golden letters."

Why? I muse, why can't a person suffer from pangs of mood swings, loneliness and undergo depression? Well, they do.. certainly, we all, sometimes. But, in the haphazard of our lives we forget to #UnMuteOurselves

Amidst the chaos of our daily life, we end up disturbing the equilibrium of the very two vital bodily humours- Physical Health and Mental Health. When you add the exact proportion of ingredients, a dish tastes scrumptious; likely, adding the desired amount of pressure, care and concern towards your Mental Being will make you more efficient and grease your disturbances, thereby opening for them a vent to escape in the horizon.

"When we share, we show not only we care;
But, we ensure that each being is touched and each heart is healed- so that they don't need any further repair."

Talk about your state of mind, body, being- past, present, and future (if you think). Let's not judge people and simply label them, thereby classifying them into the so-called societal made, pigeonholes. Instead let us all this instance, be there. Sometimes, knowing that you have someone whether you are fine or lost- is a cure in itself!
