The Aestheticism of the Mathematics called Life

~ Life is both, a beauty and a beast. A bewitching beauty if you value it, and a scabrous beast, if you jingle it.

Alike Mathematics, Life too can be- sweet like the Addition and Subtraction and sour, tangy like the Algebra and the Trignometry.

But, valuing and seeking the aesthetic, yet enchanting trait of it, is only the art of thy eagle's eye. It may never be all gold, and glittery. There are Problem Sums, which pop in our way in the form of dilemmas while opting between diverging and equally inviting opportunities. Leaving us to choose one amongst both or many precious ones. That's a tough decision though, if you trip here; beware, you lose control over your life's gear! All you'd be left with is sit, stare and glare. Opportunities and Genertion of Ideas follow Outings and Musings, but, having no where to go; is like caging the fierce lava in you. The volcano that may lie dormant for a long tenure, is sure to spurt up and affect adversely when a trigger generates an impulse. That's life! Things can never be normal, they may happen outré; sometimes getting too eerie while on the other pole a way to stoic and familiar. Just alike Mathematics, you never know when you'd get to apply which formula. And, another similarity that overloops both the parameters- Mathematics and Life, is the 'Art Of Balancing'. According to the Art Of Balancing; "Left Hand Side should always equate to the Right Hand Side [Left Hand Side (LHS) = Right Hand Side (RHS)]." Unequivocally, having things balanced is the only way we ensure that our lifeboat doesn't dwindle amidst the middle of a vast stretch of seashore line, called 'life'.

Life, too beautiful a term with "crystals and shells as family and friends" and "sea animals in the form of the beautiful, amusing and the interesting souls and folks we happen to bump into, knowingly or unknowingly". All that happens, happens for good and is destined to happen. Neither force nor war, is entitled to change the subjugation. Maybe that's what again points towards the brighter side where we ought to rise up and chase our dreams, rather than blindly preaching the jinx.

To all the Mathematicians of the Mathematics called, "Life";
You may or may not be the subject designated to you all, in the literal sense; but, "act is the new you". How dextrously, you play the part in your own daily hassles is worth appreciating. You all may not be the weighing scales or the mediocre who bridges the gaps between widening thinking and ideas. But, believe me dear stranger mathematician; you all possess that coherent power that you all have been seeking thought your life, until now. But, not anymore. Go, dug yourself, find it dwell inside you, within you, and chase it for life and beyond.
