Corona Virus: A bitter reality

"When I come, I am a fever to you- there, or not; but always a fear.
When I multiply, I turn bitter... or sweet?
Neither you nor I know.
Because the taste buds vanish from within thee."

To the ones who considered the world to be a hegemon of powers. It is such a satirical contradiction that now even the world's greatest powers has been trumped (*pun intended*) and trounced by the virus. The world has come to a screeching halt.

We are the new untouchables. The ones who wanted the "Gandhian Era", look how revoltingly has it arrived- with humans, given a new notion of 'Harijans'. Corona Virus or generically, COVID-19, at one point, has taught us the very raw, but basic art of living life. "The art of being non-judgemental"; because looks can be deceptive and can convey erroneous information, but with masks on and covering almost the entire visage, exempting our eyes; thereby not blindfolding the people, like politics, we fail at categorizing people into our traditional pigeonholes.

It is a bitter reality, the entire world is rowing in along. A reality which until now seems to have no escapism, a reality that is growing eerier and bleak, day in and day out. A reality which we are residing in with, and ought to accept it pragmatically. Because delay demonizes.
