Dear You, The problem with you is- you think that you deserve less. That anyone who loves you; is doing you a favor. So, when they lend you their hand, you give them your heart. When they throw shady tantrums, you sideline your basic requirements. You're so giving, so good, they think you're an angel. That you'd always adjust, help and accept. So, they to keep you at a pedestal, and expect greatness from you. They expect you to take every whim, every mood swing. And gradually, you become constrained to behave perfectly. Gradually, it's only about them. And even a slight demand for you, is deemed illicit. They become so used to your favors, that if you're unavailable even once, you get blamed. You get shouted upon. You get punished. That's the thing with you, you make them so used to the 'ideal you', that any trace of human mistakes in you, looks like a scandal to them. You think everyone has a heart as pure as you. So you give and you give. Hoping that ...