
Showing posts from November, 2020
Dear You, The problem with you is- you think that you deserve less. That anyone who loves you; is doing you a favor. So, when they lend you their hand, you give them your heart. When they throw shady tantrums, you sideline your basic requirements. You're so giving, so good, they think you're an angel. That you'd always adjust, help and accept. So, they to keep you at a pedestal, and expect greatness from you. They expect you to take every whim, every mood swing. And gradually, you become constrained to behave perfectly. Gradually, it's only about them. And even a slight demand for you, is deemed illicit. They become so used to your favors, that if you're unavailable even once, you get blamed. You get shouted upon. You get punished. That's the thing with you, you make them so used to the 'ideal you', that any trace of human mistakes in you, looks like a scandal to them. You think everyone has a heart as pure as you. So you give and you give. Hoping that ...

The Filtered World

I swear I tried. But no person is perfect and similarly no quote is self sufficient. I implemented the Stephen Chbosky advice, and tried to filter the negative people out. But for that I needed a criterion, and ended up having not one but may criteria; realizing that only one person could come in through these, and that's no superhuman, that's- me. When you learn to love 'yourself', you bloom realizing that it's the most stable position you have, it's like an arranged marriage. And, after constant thinking and wondering, I've realized that when we set up a mesh around ourselves, we never make allowances for people's flaws. It's like we're supposed to select a perfect circle, but we're unaware of the fact that there are no perfect circles, only polygons with infinite sides. The cocoon that I had built around myself has become a cage since I came across the former revelation. I understood that a shell gives the tortoise ample protection and a h...
Dear You, The constant need for attention and praise wasn't developed in a day. Do you remember when as a kid you'd draw something utterly beautiful or hit the right chords while singing, your parents would shove you in front of family members like some gold trophy? They'd make every possible attempt to show off your work to the world, and not let you bask in the glory of what you've created. That's where the problem began, you start looking for validation and love everywhere instead of your own self. When was the last time you looked at something you build with your bare hands and marvelled over what a masterpiece it is, and not relied on your favourite artist's views to validate your work? So tonight, just look at yourself in the mirror and repeat, "I'm a masterpiece." You don't need a stamp to be approved by the society, to chase your dreams and fantasize your life. Somethings are better and beautiful raw, don't overheat them to procure...

Little Things

From that long-awaited text message to a peppy festive celebration at home with the homies. Sometimes, it's the Little Things that make us happy. They seem to complete us, tend to be a perfect fit for our puzzle called 'life'. And, become our clandestine behind that wide beaming grin. Probably, then it's these 'little things' only, which seemingly tend to haze out in a digitally advanced era. For once on the face of Earth, let us all be truthful to our selves (nobody is observing you, feel free to express yourself to the inner you, genuinely). "When was the last time you remember being grateful, acknowledging, forgiving and accepting? For some of you may be today, but what about the other half? To maintain the equilibrium of happiness, and to ensure that our planet 'Earth' alike greenery, does not start draining off in happiness and bondings. Let us all try to adept, and pay even the slightest of our attention to the minutest creatures dwelling on t...

Are ideas bulletproof?

We reside in an age of ideas sprouting up every nook and corner, and innovation is paving the way to the future. “A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action” – is how Google defines an idea, something that has no origin but is the origin of all our actions, which completely negates causality or does it? Decisions have a cause, which is our perception of a situation and leads to action. As Newton's Third Law Of Motion, also precisely states; "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." To look at the entire process of decision making from this perspective, we can draw a conundrum that motivation is the key initiator of the process. Once motivated, we look for information that could help us understand or judge the situation, based on which we frame our personal decisions or take actions. In turn, these influence our behaviour and, eventually, our emotions, to further dictate what motivates us and what doesn’t. This closed-loop process once in...