Adopt, Don't Shop!

- a step towards equating the status of animals at par to humans. 

Mahatma Gandhi once quoted, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
How aptly does this saying juts in today's scenario wherein people tend to witness the zen level bloodshed, rage and inhuman dearth. Imagine how cruel it would be if we kill our younger ones before birth? 

Animals are mortal beings, not non-livings. Akin to humans, they also possess a body, organs, life, and vitally emotions! (Prolly, more than Humans, I muse sometimes). Animals are an integral part of this gigantic puzzle, called, 'World'. And, inflicting brutality on them will devoid our puzzle of its essential element. "Unhewn bits of any act whether Bravery or Novelty does not heed any penny, rather reciprocates into an enemy." 

We, humans are ensnared into leading a life, wherein people tend to buy showcases. Oh, sorry, my folly 'pets'. But, isn't this the sole purpose humans are chasing this fad for? For the exotic breeds and luxuries that come along? They don't wish to stretch a hand, open up their heart and show these creatures the way towards it, by making them take the first step, into their homes. By adopting them, they certainly don't want to give a dying living being a new life, it seems. Or is it that their selfishness becomes an irritant obstacle in their way to novelty? I wonder! 

IMAGINE if you were in their place, and they chose you to be shopped rather than accepted. Acceptance comparatively seems more heavenly, doesn't it?
