The Sorcery behind Numbers
Segregation has always been a culture since times immemorial. Inscribing tags and imbibing numbers on people.
It starts right from the preliminary years, from the birth cradle to the walls of school. Roll Numbers outgrow these walls into numbers with genres! Numbers with a menu card- Waist Size Numbers, Refugee Numbers, Non-Identical Identification Numbers and what not!
"We are not numbers, we are Human Beings. And, we all have stories."
And, that's an err humans interweave misinterpretations with. Folks and folks cannot be painted by a common brush. Every stroke is different, non identical. Then afterall we are Humans, not 'numbers'. Or is it that the classification of people into number biases makes the society a bit more homogeneous? No, I don't think so. Every individual is graceful and worthy enough to be admired for the qualities it possess, then why does the need to cover the masks of negligence on our visages arises?
You are not an err, you were destined to have a life. For your life possesses a meaning, a purpose. Chase it, find its meaning. Maybe Victor Frankl's Meaning Making Theory could be of some help. You are a conspiracy of bewitching stories, and not rationally proven irrational numbers. Don't do it, please. I insist. The world has already made the sufferors suffer a lot. Don't stigmatize them with this pigeonhole Numeral Classification now.
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