One view, many sights!

Humans think they lead life, which is a wrong notion.
Humans believe they own their lives, which is another wrong notion.
But, 'Humans are the mere chauffeurs of their lives is what I firmly believe.

It is a beautiful verse in Hindi which says, "Koshish karne walon ki kabhi haar nhi hoti". (ps. One of my personal favourites!) But then, human psychology says, "People are equipped with an inherent tendency to Accept." And, the only choice they have is to either accept things joyfully or forcefully. Both are painstaking, but the first option debars one from Mental Pain, while the other one causes both Physical and Mental Pain. And, then, it is on humans to choose which side is the grass greener.

If one chooses a certain direction and later repents citing, "the grass is greener on the other side." He/she has certainly failed to achieve the Ikigai, the ultimate purpose of thy life. Because the truth is- The grass is the same on both the patches, what makes it look greener to one and a faint, pale-yellowish to the other is the perspective of perception one beholds (subjugated to Individual Differences). And, then the segregation of optimistic and pessimist lies crystal clear. We, as humans are sublimed to see other's lives (then however it be) as a bed of roses and ours as a road of thorns. "Projection", a jargon for one of the Defence Mechanisms in Psychology comes into interplay here. Meaning, attributing our failure or bad happenings to extrinsic factors.

"The truth of our existence is that we are blessed and cursed with the drive to move forward, and live the next day for better." But, amidst the chaos we set for ourselves, we certainly tend to lose hold of our grip on ourselves, on our limits, on our capabilities.

"Aim for the stars, for if you fall, you'll land on the moon." Keep going, as there's no U-turn.
