
Showing posts from July, 2021

𝐂𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐒 & π‘πŽπ’π„π’

Aren't we all cactus and roses simultaneously? Aren't we all at times, thorny-like cactus and Then at times, soft-like rose petals? Or, let us admit that- We all have encountered instances where in the same situation, we have reacted differently to two or more people. Why, why so? Just 'cause we have that rose-like soft corner for some(-one) whilst Owing to personal grudges spiny-needle-like thorns for yet other. Why do we forget, we all are made up of- Harmony, and Love. Why don't we let it treasure trove?

Face of Man Magnetics

A magnet has two poles, any question has either a yes or a no. All human relations have either attraction or repulsion and there's no in-between. Isn't it amusing, how there's a duality co-relation in all the subtleties? To pop the myth busters further, there are two shades of people. Under Adult Psychy, no human possesses a dilute nature of both the extremes, rather has only one dominant extreme- either Optimism or Pessimism. And, there's no in-between. But, taking out the 'mean' (getting a touch of Mathematics), there are exceptional cases too; who are none, neither optimist nor pessimist. Then, what pigeonhole do they subdue under, you'd probably be musing. Right? They are the ones who oversee subtle aspects of things, they are the ones who tend to be unknown to known, they are the ones who act blindfolded over minutest things, they are the ones who deem everything is normal. But then, what is normal? Normal is nothing, nothing is normal; more than a drye...

Communities: Life's essential commodity

An individual is blessed by this mighty sense of individuality since the day he/she open eyelids into this world. The sense of "me", " my", and "mine" feeling accompanied by a despondency looking for cohesive bonds. And, that's where the essential part of Group Formation commences. An individual steps out of his comfort zone and learns to Accept, Appreciate, and Approve. Only by practising "Stretch your arm first" can one forget the background while interacting within a community. Doubtlessly, "we are all born into different communities", but I deem being born in a different community isn't a hallmark to approve of before entering into friendship. For friendship and even of interacting, community-origin isn't a hallmark that an individual has to pre-requisitely approve of to be acceptable. It is just a mirage! The most crucial part of being a part of different communities is the wholesome amount of satisfaction, the sense of...

If you believe in something, how can it be wrong? Unless your morality is goofed up.

"She believed she could, so she did." Believes are nothing but just thoughts supported on adequate grounds of firm faith and unparalleled motivation. And, it is not easy to instil belief in either yourself or someone else too. It takes years and years, it is a product of labour nurtured with love, care, trust, harmony and transparency from both ends. From "I think it is your cup of tea" to "I believe in you, you can do it like no one else" is beautiful yet in while painful transition, is stoic yet in while dwindling transition, is moral if in while the morality isn't goofed up. Believes can never go outrΓ© unless it is your morality that is goofed up. Always remember, morality is a portrayal of you as a person- the Ram or the Ravana that dwells in you whilst your belief may either be your own or borrowed as an inheritance from your family. It is adulterated. Morality is not. What makes one a moral person and the other one an indecorous one? Well, one ca...

Convenience repels Experience

-In pursuit of simplifying things, we get weighed down by our convenience. "Just 5 minutes more, and you'll get the report." "Oh, I am sorry I probably might have missed it. Nonetheless, I'll work overnight, and ensure to send it to you within the time frame." Are some of the common dialogues amongst one particular sub-sector of our economy. The sector being the workforce and the sub-sector enshrined with this superpower is the "Do or Die" workforce. There's no clandestine to the capabilities of both the sectors, but the sorcery pertains in the Will, and the ability to put in the "extra effort". Isn't it amusing how a little push can do wonders? It's not that we are less or we lack the skills to excel in any field. It was never this way. But, then what was debarring us to attain the zen satisfaction? Any clue? No? Alright, it was none other than the devil in disguise, the parasite within you- YOUR CONVENIENCE. Convenience neve...

Strange button on my right jacket pocket

- Capable of blunder or a wonder? Fine strokes of nettled sunbeam were hitting me on my visage, as I woke up the next day looking forward to making that so beloved jacket mine now. I left for the shop, a five minutes stroll down the lane and there I was finally. The azure blue board of the shop etched in golden letters read- “Jack never goes up to the hill without a JACK-et”. And, I was fascinated! No sooner my hands reached out to push the gate wide ajar, my phone beeped and it was a call from the hospital. A call, be it any, but if from the hospital, then for me it meant the call of duty. The captivating red colour of the jacket nearly slipped out of my mind, as I changed my track towards the hospital. Haphazardly, I scurried from the shop to the parking arena. A ten minutes drive and I was there at the front door of the hospital, I walked inside only to find a beautiful, tall MΓ€dchen languidly waiting for me. But, no sooner as my eyes struck her clothes, the hastiness she wore over ...