Face of Man Magnetics
A magnet has two poles, any question has either a yes or a no. All human relations have either attraction or repulsion and there's no in-between. Isn't it amusing, how there's a duality co-relation in all the subtleties? To pop the myth busters further, there are two shades of people. Under Adult Psychy, no human possesses a dilute nature of both the extremes, rather has only one dominant extreme- either Optimism or Pessimism. And, there's no in-between.
But, taking out the 'mean' (getting a touch of Mathematics), there are exceptional cases too; who are none, neither optimist nor pessimist. Then, what pigeonhole do they subdue under, you'd probably be musing. Right? They are the ones who oversee subtle aspects of things, they are the ones who tend to be unknown to known, they are the ones who act blindfolded over minutest things, they are the ones who deem everything is normal.
But then, what is normal? Normal is nothing, nothing is normal; more than a dryer setting. Normal is an illusion, a mirage. Normal is a lie. And lies are individually modifiable according to comfort, situation, and formation. A normal person has attained a balance between the positive and negative. An abnormal person hasn't(?) Wrong. An abnormal person has to, but by deploying a unique stylisation.
But then, if there pertain people with different ideologies under Optimism, Pessimism, and Normalcy. There also lies the other magnet pole to normalcy, and that's non-alignment. The third bloc of people, who are shaded by the belief that 'there's nothing as such', everything is a lie.
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