
Showing posts from August, 2020

Building A Lilliputian Universe

"The universe is made up of stories, not atoms." In the periphery of universe there subsidies a gazillion stories- some heard, while many unheard. "People are walking houses to stories", all you need is to discover it within them. Everyone in this cosmo possess a hybrid story to tell, variegated with flavours of life, essence of personality and dressing of a smile. And, that's the foundation to building our own Lilliputian Universe. Intriguing, isn't it? Well, how do we discover the magic of stories people from various walks of life behold, then? Um, addling? Not any more, well the key to it is "Bridge"! Hold on, not the bridges that smirk the characteristic of roads, instead; those plastered with love and affection; lets bridge thy hearts. When we interact with people, we come to know some intruging facts about them or maybe unleash the dormant potential we possess! But, that's not only possible by Physically Socializing; instead in the

The Subtle Art Of Appreciation

~ It is easy to criticise and find out flaws in people, but very difficult indeed to appreciate what is good in them. Human beings always crave appreciation, for whatever work they do. And, that's natural, pragmatic! Appreciation is the fuel to one's ride called "A Merry Life"; and in order to make it even more merrier for you and for people in your hubbub; Appreciate, if you already do that- Appreciate even more! And, see the miracles happen, laughters and love will increase by multifolds. "Multiple laughters divided into timelines, adds fun and subtracts boredom." Lord Buddha once said, "But when you love a flower, you water it daily. One who understands this, understands life." And, that's the what Appreciation and Acceptance implies, right? When we appreciate someone, for any Blefuscudian or even a Lilliputian task they do, or contribute you ensure that you mean it by your heart and are not merely being wordy. You try to accept the
To the ones feeling quite lost and listless, Here's a letter to you all out there, who've been moody lately. But, before you glance any further; follow these rules- 1. Get yourself a comfortable seating. 2. Grab something warm and snuggy. 3. Hot Chocolate or Coffee, would add onto the excitement. 4. Some Lightning- I'd prefer Fairy Lights, to bring in the realm. Well, let's drive the moody blues away... Dear And Dearie, And one day, which is not far away, when all if this will be over, all of us will together witness the brightest sunrise ever! We will hold each other tight with love and pride to walk through the sunrise of our dreams, like never before. And this time, we will be kinder to the our environment, kinder to our animals, kinder to the fellow beings and kinder to ourselves! We will not let any day linger without the warmth of thankfulness and gratefulness, without the breeze of gratitude, because with each day passing like a shooting star we all are realizing

Splashes Within Us

(*Lemme set up the setting first* Breezy Music Setting: Any place that you find inviting, that gives you 'vibes' Lush green greenery Your tribe, omnipotently ) And I'd like to think that one day someone would verse out about how magical these people dwelling in this world are, Kinda magical, kinda spiritual, some peppy, while others on the contrary quite rude and rowdy. But, imagine a world without such people... Ah! Such a void it would be. As flowers are to fragrance, Attracting butterflies and flies; An Escapism from the pesticide. People are to Vibes- Like a magnet, pulling towards themselves; people bartering common choice, Eliminating the need of weedicides. That's a mysterious relation you see, A pleasant environment that is absolutely free. A vent to brewing of fresh ideas, roasting of crisp prompts, and cleansing the dirt proliferating within thee. All you need to eliminate is the destruction you sow- That's what you reap! *Splash* Waves of vibes or waves o

When Does Myth Becomes Truth?

"Are ghosts real?" "MYTH!" "Oh, then fairies? What about them? They might be real." "NO! MYTH." Myths or Superstitions are just like black magic, we all, since our tender childhood have been believing onto. And, that too so vehmently that, in today's era also if you question a person about ghosts, they'll retort; "they aren't real", and added to it would be the pepped up line, "bhoot pisaach nikat nahi aave.." Well, I ain't an atheist, but; I ain't a believer of superstitions too. The more lucidly we think, the more real it gets. Well, then you might muse; "Do we cease thinking? Or do we abandon our roots?" "Neither!" I'd retort. You see, when myths are multiplied on and on, they try to convince us and blur out the reality, that's what we often tend to ignore. And, that transmission from being merely a 'Myth', then adding to it frequent nods and approvals; tran


When we keep on bottling our feelings, emotions, pains, worries and fears; we feel we're getting stronger, Well, if you feel the same; "NO. You aren't getting stronger. Instead you are getting weaker and weaker." "How does bottling up one self can help someone in any way?" I sometimes muse. Well, are your feelings, moods and emotions a fragrance that you wish to bottle them and preserve them up? No, right? Infact, they are the awful, pungent smell of our life. And, to erradicate that smell and turn it onto a fragrance, we need that aura, that charm. The aura of Positivity, the zeal of sharing- well, the once 'Barter System' which was for goods for goods has a new notion now; why not barter thoughts too? Pretty cool, right? "Yes, thoughts for thoughts; emotions for emotions; anxiety for anxiety" and a fun fact is that bartering all your Negativity, reduced it and brings in Positivity. While, bartering all your Positivity, multifolds the b
Dear God, Again it's that time of the year, with teary eyes.. again.. I write. But, this time, instead of weeping in front of you, I chose to write. I am blessed to have an extended family, all my kiths and kins make me feel special each and every day. They don't leave any opportunity bare where they couldn't make me feel a gem! But, do you agree with me, if I say; "Every gem has an own property and cannot be inserted in merely any ornament." Well, yes. It's true and there's no other choice now you have to agree with me on this. Right? But, gem has a value too. It's precious! You have made all these magical folks that dwell on the Earth. I adore all of them; they're beautiful, they are magical, they are your own unique creation. Right from one's birth cradle a child looks for that gem of the ornament of his or her life in his or her sibling. Dear God, if you have done justice to the pious relationship of brother and sister, by the tying